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First Date

What an exciting day! I had my first date. President Carrie Almond and First Vice President Becky Johnson - the top brass of the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) - took me out to show off my makeover at the 6th District of Republican Convention in Chillicothe, Missouri. Needless to say, I was a big hit.

We picked up Ed Douglas, Livingston County Commissioner, for the ride in (he's on right) - and that's Bill Young, President of Citizens Bank & Trust on left.

Turns out I'm a natch with the press. That's Tom Tingerthal, News Director of KCHI Chillicothe, on the left doing an on-board interview and radio personality Elizabeth from famed radio station KMZU- Carrollton on the right.

It was a rainy day, but I was clearly the belle of the ball, attracting lots of new friends.

Oh, and I got to meet Reagan. Not the former President, but the little white pup you see in the pics. He's going to join us on our trek. It appears I am going to do a lot of politicking in the coming months. Can't wait!

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